We closed out the day in Bedwell (Poet’s Cove) with dinner on the terrace overlooking the harbour.  Then ian and Lori went to the Comedy Show, while the exhausted deck hand (me) went down to the boat to go to sleep. 

Unfortunately, Mary called and Bailie had to go into the hospital due to problems with her little tummy.  Val Bailie, our long-time pediatrician saw them late in the evening, decided all wasn’t as it should be, so Bailie has been in the hospital for the last two nights.   No diagnosis yet, but some things hae been eliminated.  Not sure where this will go, but might end up with her having to go to OHSU for speciality doctors.  Pretty worrisome.
Anyhow, woke up the 29th and went for a great run up above the harbor.  I found a little forest preserve called “Enchanted Forest” full of trails a loops.  Made for a great run and something to remember for the future.
Then we slipped our lines and headed out for Roche Harbor, and meeting up with my sister Vicki, and to meet Levi—coming in from Bend.
We came across Boundary Pass and around Turn Point on Stuart Island and on into Roche Harbor without issue.  The customs dock was even clear, so we were able to tie right up and clear customs, again with no issues.   (We’ve had some issues before.)
After customs, we were directed to our slip, where we backed Exergy in so we could have easy access to the dock.  A little tricky, but we got it done.  
We had some lunch, then met Levi as he came in on his float plane from Seattle—a great adventure for him.  We got Levi settled in, got the bikes put together, and inflated the kayaks for the Admiral.  Vicki showed up so we went up for a long-awaited reunion Martini, and really good chow on the veranda.  A very good evening was had by all.  We even had a call with Garrett and heard some news his flights and progress down in Pensacola Naval Air Station where he’s in flight training.  
At sunset, we all went over to watch the famous Roche Harbor Flag Ceremony where they formally retire all the flags, with appropriate anthems for each, and ending with the cannon blast.  Very well done, as always.
A very good day, even thought we’re all worried about Bailie, who does not seem to be getting better—or diagnosed.
Up in the morning, with a good run by all four of us around White Point, with great views of Mosquito Pass, Garrison Bay, and Roche Harbor.  
Today we’re going to help Uncle Rick get his boat in the water, and have one of Rick’s famous Dinner Nights at their house on Mitchell Bay here on San Juan Island.
More to come—tomorrow we’re off to Rosario.
Ian, Levi, Lori, and Rod